Florida Orienteering - 2018 Annual Meeting

Date/Time: January 5, 2019 - 6:00pm
Location   : Blaik Mathews residence, Sanford, FL

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
The minutes were recorded by Mike Dempsey.

Attendees: Vicki Bishop, Linda Bren, Ray Bruneau, Jim Carr, David Crane, Dale Darby, Mike Dempsey, Ron Eaglin, Donna & Steve Flugal,
                    Joanie Haas, Jonathan Linforth, Blaik Mathews, Cheryl McDonough, Emmi & Will Pirnasch, Bob & Janet Putnam,
                    Jennifer Ruland, Caroline Schultz, Jerry Sirmans, Russ Steinke, Leigh Thomas, Andrea Willer, Ray and Missy Williamson
Proxies:     None

A quorum of FLO members and Directors were present.

Introductions: Each person present gave their name and a brief history of their involvement in Orienteering.

Treasurer's Report - Will Pirnasch
The treasurer reported that FLO currently has a balance of $3,998. The balance at the end of last year was $5,035.
Our total income for the year was slightly over $21,000, with event costs of almost $12,000. Note that some parks now require that we collect the park entrance fees for them. This increases both our reported income and our event expenses. The remainder of our expenditure was primarily due to the fact that we purchased a large number of finger sticks and SI equipment from Winter Park HS.
The complete Treasurers Report is available upon request.
Email Will if you would like a copy of the report.

Membership - Mike Dempsey
As of December 15 we had a total of 35 members consisting of 25 individuals and 10 couples/families. 9 of these are Life memberships. This is a drop from last years' total of 45. A total of 13 members are also members of OUSA (10 regular, 3 family) plus 10 additional family members.

USOF Charter Renewal - Mike Dempsey
Based on the USOF method for counting members we have 45 'members'. This combined with the $20 re-charter fee and a total of 2120 starts brings our USOF charter renewal fees to $3,357.50. These fees were remitted by the treasurer in December.

Mapping & Events Report - Bob Putnam.
The winners of the 2018 FLO Annual Championships present were awarded their medals. Medals have already been mailed to those individuals who did not attend the meeting and mailing of multiple medals to JROTC leaders, for distribution to cadets, will be completed within a week.
The number of starts in 2018 was down slightly compared to our record set in 2017.

Old Business:

Mapping Plans
No new areas have been selected for mapping this year. Plans are to spend time updating existing maps.
Our event schedule has been set through June 2019.

Permanent Courses
We still need to complete the course at Katies Landing.

Mapping Hardware/Software
We purchased a new laser printer to replace the old ink jet that was having issues. This printer is much faster than the old one and is expected to be cheaper to operate. We plan to print all maps at 1:10000 in the future. 1:15000 will only be used if there is no other way to fit the map on a standard 11 x 8.5 sheet.

E-punch Hardware/Software
We have now moved entirely to electronic punch. We no longer offer manual punch as an option.
We purchased all the finger sticks and other SI equipment owned by Winter Park high school. We have since replaced all the batteries in the equipment so we should be good for another few years. The laptops however are still on loan from Orange County school district.

All flags have been cleaned and re-strung with SI holders permanently attached to each flag.

We are now using small QR codes attached to each finger stick in order to reduce the time required at the start table.
New software is speeding up the finish process for the JROTC cadets by predicting when the winners are locked in. This allows the awards ceremony to be held earlier and allows schools to get back on the road earlier.

Livelox usage is at around 25%. Although this seems fairly low it is better than at most other clubs. We will continue to advocate the training and safety aspects of using Livelox through the JROTC leaders. A new version of Livelox will be available soon.

Our Hot-Spot service has been switched to Verizon. This required purchase of a new antenna but the service cost is about half the price and coverage is generally better.

Gord and Blaik are looking at MeOS as a possible replacement for the OR software. One advantage of MeOS is that it allows networking of multiple systems which may be needed to handle the large crowds.

Park Relations
Relations are all positive with the exception of a couple of issue with one new ranger at Lake Louisa.

Suncoast report
Gord Hunter plans to run training sessions at SOAR events and to look into setting up a permanent course at Boyd Hill Preserve.
Two cadets from South Sumter will be attending the Georgia A meet with the hope of qualifying for the US junior team.

New Business:

Telephone Hotline
A proposal was made to terminate the FLO Hotline due to lack of use. This proposal was approved unanimously.
We will obtain a Google number and forward that to the event coordinator at each event.

Waterproof Paper
The use of waterproof paper for printing our maps was discussed. Samples of half a dozen alternatives were distributed along with the costs associated with each paper type. The cost of these papers varied from slightly more expensive than regular paper plus a sleeve to considerably more. No decision was made to move to waterproof paper.

Purchase of 6cm Flags
A proposal was made to purchase some 6cm O-Flags for sale at our events. These flags cost approx. $3 and could be sold for $5 or$6. A proposal to purchase 100 flags was approved unanimously.

5 Course Challenge
Ron proposed that we offer a "5 course challenge" in which a runner may sign up to do 5 courses in one day. Ron will promote this option within the Adventure Racing community. Those wishing to use this option would pay up front for all 5 maps - Standard map fee + $8 for the extra maps - but would need to return to the start after each run in order to pick up their next map and reset their finger stick for the new course.

Election of Officers:
No officers were up for reelection this year. Will intends to step down as Treasurer so a volunteer was requested within the remaining board members. No decision was made at this time.

The meeting adjourned at 8:47 PM.

I hereby certify that these are the correct minutes of the meeting.

       Mike Dempsey,  Club Secretary

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