Date/Time: March 5, 2023 - 2pm
Location : Gemini Springs
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 PM by Bob Putnam.
The minutes were recorded by Mike Dempsey/Jonnie Haas.
Attendees: Joe Brautigam, Ray Bruneau, Mike Dempsey, Joanie Haas, Jonathan & Linda Linforth
Donna & Steve Flugal, Blaik Mathews, Will Pirnasch, Bob & Janet Putnam, Andrea Willer
Online: Gord Hunter, Boyd Ray Williamson
A quorum of FLO members and Directors were present.
Introductions: Each person present gave their name and a brief history of their involvement in Orienteering.
Treasurer's Report - Ray Williamson
The treasurer reported that FLO received income of $10,169 and had expenses of $13,400 during 2022.
That leaves us with a balance of $11,165 after a starting balance of $14,396.
The primary reason for the relatively low income was the slow build up of attendees after the COVID-19 pandemic.
The complete Treasurers Report is available upon request.
Email Ray if you would like a copy of the report.
Membership - Mike Dempsey
As of December 15 we had a total of 24 members consisting of 18 individuals and 6 couples/families.
11 of these are Life memberships. This is almost the same as last years' 25 members.
A total of 9 members are also members of OUSA (7 individual, 2 family).
USOF Charter Renewal - Mike Dempsey
Based on the USOF method for counting we have 30 'members'.
This combined with the $20 re-charter fee and a total of 1249 starts brings our USOF charter renewal fees
to $1998.50. These fees were remitted by the treasurer in December.
Old Business:
2023 Event Schedule
Plans are somewhat liquid for our future events due to issues with Wekiva and RSRSR.
We will consider Moss Park or Camp Joy as options for the JROTC Training Camp.
We have currently had 74,523 starts so expect to hit 75,000 in May or June.
Permanent and ROYO Courses
No plans for any new permanent courses.
All non-Maprun ROYO courses have been deactivated.
All Maprun based ROYO courses are still active.
(Those in Wekiva and RSRSR have been removed from the website)
At the end of the year we will remove the current ROYO courses and post this years courses as new ROYOs.
Technology - General
All controls are now good with new batteries installed.
We now have 78 rental sticks available. The most used at one event so far was 61.
We are currently using a new Surface Pro 6 and Blaik's own Surface Pro 6.
We have 50 flags left (25 old, 25 new with stripe) and 52 controls.
A proposal was made to purchase 10 new flags at $11 each. Passed unanimously.
Gord suggests we borrow his start clock to see how we like it.
If we like it the cost to buy our own would be approx $500.
The clock has a countdown that beeps 10 seconds before each start time.
Livelox participation is usually 30-40% but hit 60% at one recent event.
A new version of Livelox is scheduled for Q2 2023.
A proposal was made to pay Livelox to add a new feature that will allow all courses
to be displayed at one time with filters for course and school. Passed unanimously.
We currently pay for 'n' licenses and assign them to different people as needed.
If they change to a flat E300 fee per club we voted to purchase that option instead.
Technology - Mapping
Maps are currently being updated using the latest Hi-Res LIDAR images as a base.
Much of the updating can be done in the field using a lightweight Surface Pro, a blutooth stylus and a Blutooth GPS mounted on a hat.
We curently have 4 licenses for OCAD which are good through April 2025.
A proposal was made to purchase an additional 'mapping' version [cheaper]. Passed unanimously.
Park Relations
We are currently banned from Wekiva Springs and RSRSR - also managed by Wekiva.
Will work with the managers of those areas to regain their trust.
JROTC report
A proposal was made to change the way Team scoring is done. The current systemgenerally excludes the women
which disincentivises women from competing. The proposals are
Suncoast report
Gord had nothing new to report for Suncoast.
New Business:
Retirement of Treasurer
Boyd will be retiring as treasurer mid term since he is moving to a new state.
A proposal was made for Will Pernasch to complete the remainer of the current term.
The proposal was accepted unanimously.
It was further proposed that we obtain a P.O. Box in Oviedo as our official address.
The proposal was accepted unanimously.
Website Update
Mike Engstrom will contact Mike Dempsey to discuss the options for a new website.
There is a posibility of working with the Volusia County library system to promote Orienteering in the area.
T-Shirts now cost us $11.50 to $14 so a proposal was made to increase their sales price to $15.
Thank you
A thank you card was received from West Nassau HS for our donation to help support their trip to a national event.
The meeting adjourned at 4:30 PM.
I hereby certify that these are the correct minutes of the meeting.
Mike Dempsey, Club Secretary